April 4, 2017

A Fan of "It's Still Me! A Guide for People with Aphasia and their Loved Ones"

April 26, 2017: It was a bittersweet time at Buzzco: Rick Broas, longtime employee and terrific animator, was retiring to return to his hometown in Maine to see after his aging parents.

Then, out of nowhere, a stranger, Avi Golden, came up to Buzzco to thank us for making It's Still Me!. He has been living with aphasia for 10 years and communicates very effectively, both with words and gestures, and charmed us with his upbeat personality. He reminded me of my mother, who despite her more severe aphasia, had her wonderful personality intact! He has been presenting Power Point demonstrations about aphasia and just included us in his latest one. Thank you Avi!!

So Rick got to see someone who appreciated his hard work!

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