Talking Head-A mechanical talking head spouts gibberish instead of helpful information to his customers.
Uncle Sam- Uncle Sam seems to be taking money as soon as you make it!
When Perpetual Motion Pictures broke up, Buzz Potamkin formed Buzzco Productions (taking Vinny, Marilyn and me as a team) and he agreed with his ex-partners to only work in entertainment. Perpetual Animation, headed by Hal Silvermintz and Hal Hoffer, would then have exclusive rights to work in advertising.
When Buzz left for LA and we formed Buzzco Associates, we only worked on cable and tv projects, because that's where we were known. This 10-second ad came from out of the blue! Andrew Weber, from the Marschalk Company, gave us this job. And it won Andy Hirsch an art director's prize!
1994: 64th Art Directors Club Annual Exhibit- Finalist
The Marchalk Company:
Andrew Weber, Producer
Andy Hirsch, Art Director
Fred Walker, Writer
Buzzco Associates, inc.
Directors: Candy Kugel and Vincent Cafarelli
Producer: Marilyn Kraemer