USA Network: Cartoon Express

USA Network acquired the Hanna-Barbera series library. They rebranded these shows for USA Network, creating Cartoon Express.

At Buzzco Productions, we had created a previous show block  called Calliope. The animated host, Gene, and his dog Liza, introduced the kids' films that they had acquired.

Cartoon Express would show only animated series. The first opening we did was a race between motor vehicles bringing kids to a screening room showing the cartoons. And revised that a couple of times. Then they asked us to make a train, with each car hosting various cartoon characters. These modules could be rearranged depending on the cartoons they'd show. And every time they acquired new shows, we would create new modules.

Cartoon Express kept us busy for years! And the train car modules were each exactly 3-1/3 seconds long. They all had windows that showed a panning background and they had to be designed to reflect the series characters' environments. We had to come up with the story and all the designs and we were grateful for the loyalty!


USA Network

Paula Brown, producer

Buzzco Associates, Inc.

Directors: Candy Kugel and Vincent Cafarelli

Layout/design: Wayne Becker

Additional design: Candy Kugel

Animation: Vincent Cafarelli and Vincent Bell

Producer: Marilyn Kraemer

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